Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tags, Tags, Tags!

So a month or so ago, I signed up on the Lipstick and Laundry blog to participate in a little tag swap. I'm committed for three months and wanted to share the tags I've come up with to send to my group partners (one's in GA and one's in UT).

This one was for April. I actually got the idea for these bunny ears in a card magazine a few years ago, and they've just stuck around for other cards and tags and signs and all sorts of Easter ideas.

Next, we have May's tag. May's kind of a weird month in Arizona. The only thing going on is that it's getting hotter. No incredible flowers (Since there aren't any April showers...), nothing exciting to talk about. So I just went generic and was really happy with it. I was also excited to use my liquid glass on it.

The last tag is June. I think I love that tag the most- I love how the colors turned out. I got the idea for the shape and colors on a scrapbook page in a magazine last month. I changed the slogan and shapes a little bit, but mostly it looks the same.


  1. The butterfly tag is my favourite, but I love them all. :)

  2. These are lovely tags :)
