Monday, March 16, 2009

Craft Time in Utah

I just got back from Utah yesterday and had a great visit with my Aunt Nancy and her family. (See my family blog for more details) While I was there, my cousin Sarah turned 8. I just so happened to bring my Cricut with me to show my aunt all of the wonderful things it could do, so I used it to put together a banner for Sarah's bedroom. I picked up some paper from Archiver's (boy, is that store cool!) and then used some solids from my aunt's stash. I think it turned out great. For whatever reason I didn't take a picture of it up in the bedroom, but just rest assured, it looked adorable!

Ben wanted to be in the picture, so I let him. I think he was the most fascinated with the Cricut. Here's a close up one too.
Darn blogger- I can't get it to load the picture the right way, so pretend this looks right.